Friday, December 29, 2006

one of the lucky ones....

So, thanks to an amazing girlfriend, I was one of the lucky ducks (maybe with an "f") to get a Nintendo Wii underneath the xmas tree this year. It is one of the most impressive little do-dads I've ever played around with. I'm afraid though, my gal, has bought something that's going to have a negative effect on the relationship. You know us boys and our electronic toys. So balancing out video game play and maining a relationship is a knife edge to be walked upon for sure. Course the novelty of the video game will hopefully be the first of the two to wear out its newness, and obsession. Some I'm sure would be the other way. So on to the new year and all the drinking and carry ons that comes along with it. Being a professional pessimist(who can spell), I constantly contend that the new year will be the last, as the world is setting itself up perfect for the end. But, that's just one guy's opinion. Back to the Wii, and the weight gain that is sure to come with it.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Two days after xmas, and now what...

There always seems to be a tremendous feeling of "blah!" after the 25th. Everything's built up to Christmas day, and I do mean build-up. People joke and talk about July 4th being the beginning of the Christmas shopping season, but with going back to school and the oncoming cold of October, and of course Halloween, I think it starts the days after Oct. 31st. The building rides right up to Thanksgiving where most in the country celebrate a late November pre Christmas Eve, and instead of opening presents form Santa, we beat him to the punch and get shopping early the next day (some brave it at Midnight, bellies still rumbling and shifting with turkey and stuffing). Radio stations continuously play carols and xmas tunes, shopping, advertising, ALL reach their fever pitch completely pushing Santa out of the mix, and reminders of the reason for the season swirl through various t.v. specials, and internet sites, and spam greeting cards. The big day finally hits and WHAMO!'s over, and all that exists is New Years day (excuse to drink really and numb yourself of the upcoming winter) to look forward. And really, after that is pretty much grey skies ahead and deep cold. So what now? guess I'll splurge and glutton myself on giftcards

Sunday, December 24, 2006

pointless to start a blog before xmas

are you kidding? Like I have anything to talk about with the upcoming day of eating and family "bearing", and "patience" that will be required to recieve the gifts and presents without feeling too guilty. mfxmas