Thursday, January 11, 2007

tax time, tax time, coming soon....

President Bush speaks last night about the uncoming influx of 21+ thousand soldiers that are to go to Iraq, and along with men and women goes the money to fund the future years of the war. With no end in site to this mess, the bill to this debockle goes to us the taxpayers. Oh I know what's being said at this point, WOW there's nothing new, a real brainstorm there Man-Child. But, what I have in mind is an alternative to writing out the check. Instead of paying out our money to go god knows where, we each buy a one way ticket to Baghdad. Wait for it. Upon arriving each and every American (taxpaying American) is given a gun and pointed in front of an Iraqi. It doesn't matter what Iraqi, man, woman, child, whatever, it doesn't really matter to our cause considering apparently everyone over there is a potential enemy. This plan essentially making this race of Iraqi people extinct so that we "ego superior" Americans can feel safe and secure to drive our six cylinder SUV's down twelve lanes of highway, and eat saturated fats till our hearts content, all the while knowing that our fat asses and future sons and daughters' fat asses will be able to continue leading our selfish, soulless existences well into the later days of the 21st century. I think most red-blooded Americans (especially the Midwest) would agree. So after shooting your chosen Iraqi, you are sent back (maybe a small layover, but a onflight flick and meal for sure)to the U.S. and given another year until the next tax time, but each of us knowing we did our patriotic duty getting one more possible terrorist out of the way of our "boys". Now this only works if each and every one of us pays for the flight, food(no lodging you fly round-trip, straight through), and pay for used ammo. Pointless as this sounds and as idiotic and horrible as it may come off, I don't think it's any worse than what's coming out of the White House in the past couple years, and with a huge staff to boot. At least I'm thinking outside the box.

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